Freemasonry is the oldest fraternal organization in the world. It is dedicated to making improvement in the character of its members. A Mason is taught to be a good citizen, to be of good character and to care for those less fortunate.         Freemasonry traces its roots to the Middle Ages. It is from associations of stone masons, who freely traveled and built the magnificent cathedrals, castles, and monasteries of Europe that the fraternity started. These groups eventually began to accept members who were not actual working masons. They were named "Accepted" Masons and Freemasonry was born.  2B1ASK1, That's your first step to Freemasonry. Just contact the Lodge by E-mail, or if you know a Mason just ask one. There are some requirements that must be met before an application for membership can be accepted. Only individuals believed to be of the finest character are favorably considered for membership. Extensive criminal records or felonies will not be considered for membership. Atheists are not accepted in the Fraternity.

General Requirements.

1. Must believe in a Supreme Being.

2. Must be a voluntary candidate for membership.

3. Must be a male 18 years of age or older.

4. Must have resided in South Carolina for 12 consecutive months.

5. Must be able to read and write English.

6. Must be recommended by two Masons.

7. Must be a first time petitioner.

Investigation and Balloting.

1. Must apply by written petition at a regularly scheduled business meeting.

2. Petition must be in petitioners handwriting.

3. Petition must be accompanied by the specified fee on the petition.

4. The Lodge will assign a committee of three to investigate into the petitioners qualifications and make a report at the next business meeting.

5. If the committee is favorable , a vote of the Lodge members present is held.

6. If the vote is unanimous, the petitioner is invited to take the first of the three degrees.  


The process of joining a Masonic Lodge consists of three degrees. The Entered Apprentice Degree, Fellow Craft Degree, and Master Mason Degree. Each of these degrees represent the three stages of life as well as the stages an operative Mason would go through in his life to learn his craft.

During the course of taking the degrees, all candidates are required to commit to certain parts of our teachings to memory. A "coach" is assigned to teach the candidate. After the candidate has demonstrated that he has memorized the required text and is approved he moves on to the next degree. As you can see to be a Master Mason there will be some effort on your part. Your Church, your Family, and your job should come first. Free Masonry should never interfere with any of these and we will work around your schedule as best we can to see that it doesn't.